Reflection on the Junior – Mid level Reward market 2018

Recruiting within the Reward and Analytics market throughout 2018 has certainly taken me on an interesting ride. With all the uncertainty in the market and everyone talking about that dreaded event looming on the horizon, the one beginning with ‘B’, that we should just whisper about when talking with our mates (yes my trips to the pub are a lot of fun!) and certainly not talk about in public for risk of an outcry, anything could have happened. In reality what we actually experienced was a job heavy market across compensation, benefits and systems proving that within the reward and analytics space there is certainly no slowing down!

As a Reward team at Oakleaf Partnership, we have experienced our best ever year (and we are only in Q3). This has led to us growing our team to be the largest in the market and ultimately, we have had more roles on and have supported clients on many interesting and exciting projects. Reward is still a niche space and whilst there have been a high number of positions available there is naturally going to be limited talent available. Whilst job numbers have not been afraid of the ‘B’ word, I think given the uncertainty in the market a number of candidates have understandably thought twice about making their next move.

2019 is most likely going to be a year full of uncertainty. I am partial to a little flutter on the football every now and then, however, 2019 is going to be a year where you will have to be extremely brave to predict what going to happen in this current climate and I certainly will be keeping my money in my pocket when it comes to predicting this market. What I can be sure on though is that there is always going to be a demand for reward professionals and given that job numbers have only been rising over the last few years I predict that the trend is going to continue.

Recruiting in this space is fascinating. It is amazing how one reward role varies so much from another. Reward teams are growing and this brings new challenges, interesting projects and great opportunities for candidates.

Have a great Christmas and New Year and here’s to seeing what 2019 brings. I am certain it will be one to remember!

To hear more about the market or to find out what opportunities are currently available please don’t hesitate to get in touch –

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