Sam Borro

Finance & Payroll Accountant

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After completing a mathematics degree (yes, it really was as exciting as it sounds!) at the University of Surrey, I spent a year or so temping for various companies in admin roles, I fell into a junior finance role, and have never looked outside of finance ever again.

After a few various finance roles, I moved to the finance team at another recruitment company, Morgan Hunt, where I stayed for 11 years.

When an offer for an interview at Oakleaf Partnership to join their finance team came my way in June 2021, I jumped at the chance. What I read and was told about Oakleaf Partnership sounded like a breath of fresh air, and a golden opportunity for the change I felt I personally needed at the time.

Out of the office, I enjoy going out for good food with friends, and I passionately love movies. Going to the cinema, I something I used to do very regularly pre-pandemic. I listen to several film and TV related podcasts religiously each week.

I will literally watch any movie. Doesn’t matter how good or bad it seems. I even have my personal list of the best worst movies ever made.

I am also trying to get healthier by trying to make sure I do at least 10,000 steps per day.

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